Friday, June 14, 2013

Overdue Update

Hi everyone,

Apologies that I haven't blogged in so long! It's all just so overwhelming now...

I only have 7 days left till it's all over for me. 7 days until my student life finally ends. Which means I have 7 days to complete my major project! Not only that, but documentation for the HAFH project is due in 6 days which I'm starting to have nightmares about.

I'm happy that I'm on track with my major project. I've completed 3 renders and there's one running on my laptop as I type. This makes 4 perspectives down, with only the flythrough, 3D cutaway and hero shot renders left! Hopefully I'll have some time left to build up and render my computer area upstairs, just as an extra perspective (maybe I'll get extra brownie points!).

I'd better get back to documentation and soft/hard materials re-submission for one of my teachers. I'll try to update every day in this last week.


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